Comments from the Users and Experts
Read what the users and experts say about redtienda. There are currently several stores in production and we have talked to a couple of them to get their opinion of using redtienda.
You can also read about redtienda in the news and our reviews and awards.
Comments! Questions? Please send us a message. We would love to hear your opinions about our site, redtienda, your experience with our customer service, etc.
I love redtienda because it is easy to use, intuitive and very dynamic, and you can be in constant evolution in your store, eventhough my store is still very new, I had the first orders and I hope that thanks to your advice and tools you put available to the large family of redtienda, I can increase my sales vertiginously.
Vanessa Lopez, La Crema De La Crema
It takes 5 minutes to get an online store. Click here to get started today at no cost.
Redtienda is without doubt the most professional ecommerce solution and manageable in all senses for the Hispanic market. You have developed an excellent and robust software with a big capacity of customization and based on a programming language highly secure. It is our recommended decision to all entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of Internet's potential to improve their revenues. If you look for a professional solution with an excellent technical support your software "redtienda" is without doubting the best option
Germán Castro, AvantysNet Corporation
Erik thank you very much, I like much redtienda because it is very easy to use despite not having superior knowledge. Many thanks... Best regards, Modesto Gutierrez
Modesto Gutierrez,
In the month of May we managed to close more than 10thousand dollars of sales of our products thanks to the format of REDTIENDA. I thank you for the help that you have given us and I hope to increase traffic and also clients with the best suggestions of your friend Diana Fontanez.
Jose Francisco Diaz Jaime, Nails for you
I chose Red Tienda because it gives me the ease of creating, I make my page how I want it (I did the whole page without knowing programming or design), I change the items when I want, add products, change prices, banners etc, to my is a great convenience not having to "depend" on a designer or programmer to upload my articles, Red Tienda is very easy to use!!!
Maria Elena Fernandez, Regalos Dalila
The first day I opened ENTERED AN ORDER!!!! I created other stores in other services including of payment, with the same products, and prices. And redtienda sold more by far.
Emilio Gaspar,
After analyzing various options we chose Redtienda, since it offers a simple platform for both the creation of the store as of the maintenance of the same, that allows us to be self-sufficient in the updating of it, reduce costs and have the versatility of an online business.
Monica Ceballos, Envío Especial
I recently started with Redtienda, in the first week I generated my first two sales and I am very happy about it.
Erika Kazlauskas, Piel Vaca
The design and functionality of the store are perfect, incredible design templates. The technical support is very efficient and really help you to resolve any concern.
The site contains valuable assistance on how to build a virtual store in 3 easy steps and also has all the tools to promote the store and generate sales almost immediately.
From the beginning I switched to GOLD subscrition because it offers better benefits and also the monthly fee is ridiculous.
I recommend subscribing to this incredible company especially all those who want to sell products online, advanced users or beginners without any knowledge of computers, is actually really simple to build a professional website with Redtienda and within a couple of hours have it circulated in cyberspace being seen by millions of potential buyers.
From when I saw the model some years ago I liked the design and the idea excited me and I really feel very good about the advice they give you to improve. Join in the first step and open your online store if you have any doubt start with like me with the light store and let the results make your store Redtienda gold. Widely recommended. Regards
Juan Francisco Carreño Garcia, JFCEL
eXtreme INC Camisetas y Toallitas comprimidas thanks Erik and the excellent team of REDTIENDA for creating specialized tools to generate profits.
Mauricio Alarcon, eXtreme Inc SAS
Since I registered my online store through Redtienda my project has gotten a web platform where I can develop, it has been very useful in that both new customers and already established could not only buy through it but also check my product catalog and the novelties that I am including in it. Redtienda has provided me a very professional and convenient service, so that I can also develop my activity online.
Elena Cintora, Bebe & Luna
Good support for people who handle basic knowledge.
Abelardo Mendoza, TecO
It really is great what you have created, my sincere thanks, a tool for micro businesses in Chile, retro and we feed on our website. For a lasting friendship.
Gabriel Gonzalez, NegociaRed
I began using redtienda to set up my on line store about four years ago. At first it was just an additional link to another store....but now it is my only link, and we are a redtienda GOLD member......sales have slowly built up and we hope for an exciting and bright future......and in fact we are considering opening even another entire line on another redtienda page. Thanks to Erik Olsen and the redtienda team. They are always there to help with creative ideas and simple suggestions. Our store has become a success and we are quite happy about that.
Kerstin Dorsch, Hongomex. Hongos medicinales
Redtienda is the best I've found for online stores and I've searched a lot, it is very easy to use, what I like is the system manages sales, is very efficient, very clear and intuitive, no rare or convoluted options, everything is within reach of anyone's knowledge. Even in the light version, you can customize the look of your web with different configurations and colors. Many people have congratulated me for my web that it is so clear and intuitive, but most of the credit goes to redtienda.
Federico Fuster, LA TIENDA DE XACA
Since using redtienda for my clients, it's all more simple and fast, several customers have become very satisfied, I am grateful with redtienda. Thoroughly recommended.
Matias Massa, Econweb
To me redtienda is a great option of forming a business, eventhough I am young, I really want to learn great things, and I still have much left and I think that Redtienda is helping me and much, with wonderful the options it is giving me, Thanks :D .... and the best of all is that it's FREE!!!!!!
Antonella Puerta, anyomina(a)
A few months ago, I discovered redtienda reading the e-commerce course, visited the page of, and I found a handy and powerful tool for spread and position my business as well as making my customers more loyal, in less 2 hours I had my online store and I was offering my products on the internet.
José Manuel Vaccaro G, Top Rescue
Today I own a small store where I offer my products for fire rescue and emergency care equipment and soon I hope to go for red tienda Gold so I can increase my range of products and improve the design of the site.
Redtienda fully recommend, I have found few tools as useful as this one and I advise you to test their well-targeted results that can generate a large increase of sales for your businesses, develop your stores and promote them as soon they are online to faster see results.
Also congratulate and thank the team of and its director Erik G. Olsson, for the support and willingness you have shown during my learning process and development of my project where you have consistently helped me.
Be well and much success to you.
Redtienda has given us the opportunity to have our own company online 24 hours a dag and that helps us to promote our products in a quick and effective way. We are very happy to count on redtienda and together with them iniciate a new phase where we optimize time and service. Thank you REDTIENDA.
Alice García, Glimex
The Digital Security Industry that uses Camaras and Closed-Circuit Television Systems (CCTV) is growing significantly in Latin America.
Carlos Ayala, Camaras De Seguridad
Redtienda offers an excellent platform that permits our clients to open Online Stores to commercialize our security cameras, CCTV equipments, alarms and related security products.
Our distributors can have a professional online store with their own design, specific content and a shopping cart that facilitates ordering multiple products, totally in Spanish.
Redtienda appeared, as incredible as it seemed it was the idea of a Swedish. We believe that it gathers all that we consider necessary, after a while with it I can assure you that a climate of trust and friendliness exist that I have not found in other sites, the management of the store is easy and intuitive, and you always have timely support and necessary.
Agustina Macías, Dados Taller
This excellent tool has permitted us to create and manage our Virtual Store. Without having to be specialists or computer experts we managed to execute it in a very pleasant form.
Gladys Mendoza, galiciachile(a)
We want to experience new segments of the global market and one of the channels that we want to take advantage of sales online and a good option is to take advantage of the opportunity offered redtienda.
Serapio Alvarado, Calzado Christian Collection
Thanks to Redtienda our clients can now find more easily what they look for and the shopping process is much simpler and quicker which has made the sales to increase. Now our store gets updated with best speed and practicality since the tool is so simple to use and it also permits implementation off different categories for one single product that helps our clients to find presents to their needs. For that reason and many others we recommend Redtienda as the best tool in Spanish to implement in a quick and simple way any business on the Internet!
Celita Lijerón,
We were looking at various options for opening an online store. Some seemed complicated, other not filled our expectations until we found redtienda and without doubt we decided for this option. It's easy, fun and managed by a personal touch and the most important thing is that you feel as a family, is a warm and pleasant place, ideal for any an entrepreneur of any business.
Eva Finol,
We are satisfied because it is simple, comprehensive and quick to buy on the redtienda platform.
Luís Felipe Cartagena, Galeria de Arte Shanell
Hello! Two days back I started with Redtienda and I love it. I have been sellin on the Internet for several years, on buy-sell portals; but Redtienda has been the easiest to configure, the infinity of possibilities to present my products, the chance to include my logo, to choose colors and the possibility to upgrade to the Gold level, where I have much more possibilities to increase my sales. I hope I can take that step soon! I can not do more that say THANK YOU for giving us this opportunity to have such a friendly store. Regards, Nadia L. Lazzaretti
Nadia Lazzar, nadialazzar(a)
BUENO.COM.BO would not exist if it wasn't for redtienda, the easiest, most complete and powerful platform to develop e-commerce. Thanks to the help from the redtienda team, BUENO, is present day by day on the net.
Romer Chanez, bueno
Our experience of managing the RedTienda Platform, for the project has been successful. We highly recommend the RedTienda Platform.
We had the idea of opening us up to the world with an online store but it had to be easy to operate and offer all the resources needed to develop a large-scale business. One day I received an advertisement for a product in my email, and saw that they sold it in an online store based on Redtienda, from there, I researched everything about Redtienda, its founder, where it is based, the technology used, its policies, without not taking into account maintenance costs, alliances and customer service. Everything seemed good and after comparing it with other providers of the same service, we decided on Redtienda and we do not have any regrets.
Veronica Sanchez, Bio-Terapia
After much searching and comparing, we chose redtienda for being the best option by far, despite not being, or anything less, computer specialists in the field the creation was very easy for us and mounting of the web page, as well as subsequent maintenance. The truth is that we are very satisfied with the result.
Lourdes Flores, ARTE-SANAS
I will tell you, that I have made some sales inside and outside of the Country of Guatemala, Redtienda for Me, is a partner that lets me know and for all the world to see, that here in Petén, Guatemala; we Distribute La MELAGENINA PLUS, for Vitiligo or Leucoderma. I am thinking of upgrading to sell more.
E. Melby Valdez, EL VITILIGO
The only thing I can say is that redtienda is so easy to use that one will be amazed the first day and then very satisfied, well your collaboration have been very important to start this on line business.
Carin Alexa Prieto Cruz, Viajes a Praga
We decided to use redtienda because it is a portal that allows us to reach different parts of the world quickly and easily. Also it is not necessary to be an expert in web design to develop a customized online store with the style of our brand and to offer our products. In short, they offer us a very simple and useful tool that is ideal for entrepreneurs who are just starting their business idea.
Regina Shimabukuro, Hands Made
I recommend redtienda for everybody who want to start with sales on the internet, won't need programming knowledge, everything is very smooth and easy to use, it is the best way to put your business on the internet. In my case, I have decided for redtienda light, it is a store totally functional with a limit of 10 products, it is totally free, I wanted to try how well it goes for me and I am very happy, it's more, I have planned to upgrade to redtienda gold soon. If you still don't have your business online, I suggest you use the services of redtienda, you do not have anything to lose, it is totally free, and very easy to use, and then if you want to offer more than 10 products you can upgrade to redtienda gold.
Manuel Martin Mestanza, Bazar
Redtienda has been a great help to me, is the only online store that gives you the freedom to operate for free, as your needs do not demand more resources. I am truly grateful for the service, and especially with the Redtienda CEO Erik Olsson that has always offered his help in a generous way.
Rubén García, Caricreart
Personally I think that RedTienda is a potential tool, easy and fast to implement, we have suggested some clients to open their virtual stores with you.
It is truly incredible what Red Tienda can do for you and your business!
Andrés García Flores, Ferrymat
The software is very easy to use. The affiliate program is very interesting and also delivers! (I can confirm and prove it) and above all the technical support: it is simply wonderful!
In one occasion, I was making modifications to my page, and by error I deleted a file that is very important on the server. Result: my page was offline! I had deleted the index! You could imagine how I felt. Thought that all the work I had done was thrown away for an error! So I contacted Erik, the creator of Red Tienda, explained my case, he gave me technical support and the next day my page was online again!!!
No matter what your business is, put it online. Use Red Tienda!
I like how easy it is to create your store, the attention that I have received from you is unbeatable, you are always available to answer my questions and help me also the option of being in redcompras has served me well.
Antonio Diaz, Zayade Jewelry
I am very happy with finding redtienda to create my web page since it is very easy to use and it permits a great variety of options to create it.
Mar Tenias, MEGAJOCS
What I personally like is the personal attention that they offer you at any time. Any question or suggestion is always answered quickly and efficiently, most of all they make it feel like your questions and issues are important for them, that you are important.
My testimonial about Red Tienda is that it is brilliant. It is one of the few pages on the web, where you receive exactly what they offer. No tricks, without hidden things, without problems. For me it has turned out to be brilliant and I am super satisfied how they treat me and the service I receive.
Miguel Angel Chavez Morales, LIBERATUCELL
Redtienda has give me the opportunity to have my own bags store for women online in a quick, smooth and economic way; the personal that I have been in contact with have been friendly and have responded my concerns practically instantly. I recommend the Gold version because you are really investing in a quality service that will give you return immediately. Thank you. Luvia Huerta, Veracruz, Mexico.
Luvia Huerta, lulläbag
I was looking to grow and reach more people with my business, and I decided to look for alternatives on the Internet. In that search I found that Redtienda offered one of the best platforms I've seen to create an own presence on the net and that I also could do it for free as a start. Indeed, at that time I could have used the social networks that are also free, but Redtienda offered me a store fully customizable, own and with tools like "the shopping cart" that allowed me to close a sale or enroll a new student without my being there and no annoying ads (pop-ups) for the visitor. Among many other things, creating my online store was very easy thanks to the design software, which is very easy to use and does not require any knowledge of web programming.
Alfredo Rendon, A.RENDON - ESL
I love redtienda, I think it is a server of great usability for everybody that thinks that they can't do business. redtienda, will facilitate how you create it and develop your own online business. Don't miss the offer redtienda gives try it always one can do more, thank you.
Eidric Varona, paspakustore
I have open my redtienda and I am very satisfied since it is built the way I want, and if it is not perfect, it is only my fault, because I have to congratulate the engineers that have writen the "employment mode" because, not reading, but studying the texts, the construction is very clear and easy for people like me, that for this, is the first time.
José Ramos, jose33
Redtienda is the best software that exists to sell your products on the internet....and it permits us to have super active and selling stores.
Javier Benavides Tudela, Comercial Benavides
Redtienda is the best platform for creating Virtual Stores being Free or Paid, it adjusts to the entrepreneurial requirements for a person without knowledge on how to manage an Online Store and who wants to enter the internet world, Redtienda is very appreciated in the search engines and this is of great importance, I recommend starting now with Redtienda.
Roberto Rodriguez, GIR
Dear friends I would really want to congratulate the redtienda group. I have had an awesome increase of sales of my products for the simple fact of having an online catalog where I can send my potential clients. Gregory in Venezuela
Gregory Villarroel, CORPORACION R&G .CA
Why do I recommend redtienda?? Since the year 2000, redtienda has helped me to transmit a large free benefit to thousands of persons with low economic resources who do not have the economic possibility nor disposal of time to assist a school where they normally would study, how thousands of persons around the world NOW ARE STUDYING AND LEARNING FOR FREE, all thanks to the great platform of redtienda, that gives you for free and without asking you nothing in exchange a space web hosting where you can have your own business online, your own online store, so you can give, sell or offer your products or services to the entire world over the internet, great program without a doubt, the benefit has been enormous in these 10 years that the free study program over the internet of the state government of veracruz of fidel herrera beltran, all thanks to redtienda, for that I recommend it, 100% satisfaction, and with the opportunity to change and perfection the virtual store in other better modalities. The example you can see in... the same I have resumed in Many thanks to redtienda for benefiting thousands of persons in all the word, for that you are the best of the best!!!
Having found a hosting service with a software that friendly is a thing that seemed impossible, it is that but that easy to use REDTIENDA that some friends or referrals that see it that improbable who opt for other solutions more expensive or less efficient.
Joaquin Rodriguez, PINTURAS KOLORTEX
I would like to say to you that Redtienda has helped me so much in the exercise of my profession as Public Accountant, so that through the web page that I made I can disclose my professional services and be known as potential bidder of Professional Services for Economic Sciences in my country (ARGENTINA...) and in the rest of the world. It is very easy to create and modify for its flexible operations.
Miguel Angel Guerreiro, Estudio Guerreiro
Erik, I would like to thank you publicly for your help, you are an excellent virtual mentor and friend. Since I got to know your program there has been a learning period and implementation of my Internet business very enriching where my work continue giving rewards. I am very optimistic about the close future and nothing of this would have been possible without Redtienda and your help.
Pedro Martinez, MercaMarketing
Also I would like to say that the free course "Como comenzar a vender tus productos en el Internet" was a guide, step by step, that gave me the necessary knowledge and motivation to start this venture. Also the program Redtienda, even for a "rookie" like me, without experience or knowledge on web design, could be successful.
Initially my goal was, and is, to earn sufficiently to support my family and not need to hit the alarm clock every morning, I think I am on the way to make it. Yes, getting rich would be good, but I do not believe in "Getting Rich Quickly" on the Internet.
Nothing of this would have been possible without the income that my online business generates, now I have more time to develop and even started another web page about something that I have a passion for..."History of Peru".
However, not everything has to do with money. It is very rewarding when one receives an thankful email from somebody that you have helped in some way through your web.
I am totally sincere when I say that Redtienda, have been one of my best "discoveries" on the internet. Once again I thank you for all that you have done for me and my family and I wish you all the best.
I am thankful to REDTIENDA for the easiness that you give the users to promote our productos on a GLOBAL LEVEL. I am veryyyy HAPPY to work with REDTIENDA. In these hard times, it's of great help. And also, my store runs very well since I have promoted it to all my National clients and foreigners.
Maria Esther Liu Ramos de Garro, ETERNAL BEAUTY Estética Facial y Corporal
I have created my redtienda a little less then 4 months ago. We have furniture factory in Argentina, which always have sold to stores, with Redtienda we could contact our customers directly and thanks to this we have earned an 80% of our merchandise and not 40% that is was before, since then we sold to stores and the stores to the customers. We have grown and we are growing incredible fast, this is the 4 month as I have said and we have sold US$ 8.000. It is fantastic for us, and we are continuing growing since friends and family come back buying from us since our prices do not have competition for what I earlier mentioned. Redtienda or better said Erik Olsson have created a sales tool for any type of factories or companies that is truly powerful. The possibilities to grow that redtienda gives have no similarity, for us without investing US$ 1 we have managed to increase this sales volume over the Internet. Now we are upgrading to Redtienda Gold since we are completely sure that it will increase our sales by uploading more products and have our .com, the emails and the other important things. Try redtienda, see if the store will be as of thousands of free portals that exist on the Internet and your family and friends and the same will happen for you as happened for me! Of all my heart many thanks Erik for your help at any time, you are simply a genius and a very good person! The best for you Erik!
Maure Giusti, mauro.giustozzi(a)
Our page is going really well and I am promoting it in Google with excellent results, above all the catalog helps the clients that knows about the page and when they are looking for a specific product the search for it in the search engine and comes directly to the product. It is really very useful to us.
Jaime Pomares, TUBOMAX
Until now redtienda has impressed me. I can still not believe that you have offered me the opportunity to have an online store and for free! I am very excited with the service that redtienda offers and when I have the necessary resources I will get redtienda gold to get its excellent service.
Rodrigo Faure, ac.sacross(a)
I love it. It's a formable system and spectacular with thousand resources. My favorite.
Araceli González M, Pon tu Negocio en Línea
The redtienda platform, is a powerful tool that you can use to publish all your products and services on the Internet, I recommend it very much.
Efrain Negrette, INSOLTAY
I am from Mèxico D. F. I am really surprised with the functionality of REDTIENDA. It has all the necessary tools to sell on the internet, a week has passed since I started with my site using redtienda, and of course with some promotions, the prospects and interested people will start to call and write. I could never have imagined having contacts and partners without knowing them and also all over the world. Many congratulations and success with your system.
Ismael Vicente Santiago, gente_omnilife(a)
Until now this has been the easiest, fun and quickest way to publish a estore on the internet, furthermore the online support is fantastic. I recently started but the ease and versatility of this system turns me euphoric.
Jose Aaron Mestre, aaronm34(a)
REDTIENDA ROCKS! Since signing up with Redtienda my business has grown from my tiny, in-house studio back in April of 2007 to being able to work and travel anywhere in the world while providing customer care to my growing global family of clients. As a consultant, my Redtienda store allows me to easily connect with new clients, update more than 14 pages on my site twice a month (I am a writer, speaker and Astrologer) and give subscribers the benefit of weekly Newsletter Updates at the touch of a button. I am constantly sending out Newsletters keeping my subscribers informed on the latest news in the world of astrology and how all that can give them a substantial psychological advantage while connecting them to their personal power. I post my updates to my Manager Account Store and happily get on with the business of taking care of my clients knowing that the Redtienda technology is working on my behalf. With SKYPE hooked into the system my clients are only a phone call away anywhere on the globe. When I add on the benefits of using PayPal linked to my site, my clients are 100% satisfied going online. The money flows seamlessly from client, to PayPal to my bank account allowing me to be anywhere in the world accepting new clients. Come and check out my site at and become a part of the wonderful Redtienda network of people helping people one entrepreneur at a time.
Kory Varlen, Kosmic*K
Your system Redtienda is supercallifragilisticexpialidocious!! When I access it to do the tasks, I feel like a fish in the water!
Erich Ruben Benitez, erichruben(a)
Erik, arming the store was a great challenge for me. Never had I designed or programmed anything on the Internet, just counted on my experience as a breeder. The redtienda system that you have created makes everything easy even for me who has no experience. I mounted a store in minutes and I modified it several times it was necessary to become satisfied. It is spectacular to see the instant updates!!!! In one single day I learned from testing and editing. Now I have my pet store on line!!!! And I wait many lovers. Thank you Erik, the system is marvelous.
Rosana Vilma, Jalisco Kennel
Who would tell me that without being a webmaster, with only small notions of IT, I could open my own store? Sincerely, I almost couldn't believe it:
Isabel Cabo, y-l-and(a)
- It is super easy to use
- One doesn't get los in menus and links
- It's fast
- Is very comfortable
- Is.... ¡¡AWESOMEEEE!!
From the bottom of my heart, thanks. Not only for helping me with my store, but also for the satisfaction that I have gotten from creating it myself.
I think it is very easy to use and useful, and in my opinion it has everything that is necessary. For me it has been the ideal solution. I hope business will be good and I will work with you for many years.
Sonia Lasén, sonialasen(a)
The micro, small and medium companies generally do not publish in massive media, since it is very expensive, and above all, it demands large campaigns.
Fernando Rivera Godoy, friverag3(a)
The opportunity that Red Tienda gives all entrepreneurs is publicity without any cost, and with a coverage that is local and Latin American.
With the expectation to grow and gain, I am thankful to Red Tienda for the opportunity it gives us.
When I started to create my online store with redtienda, I had confidence, but with the orientation of redtienda, I could create much more easily my light store than I thought; I hope that thanks to the promotions I will do of my small virtual store, I can sell sufficient products to be able to upgrade to get Redtienda Gold. Thank you for the opportunity! You don't know how many people that wants to start an online store but having enough sales to get one! I hope my redtienda light helps me with that, and you will be the first ones to know! Thanks once again! Further I think that redtienda is the most brilliant thing that has happened to me!
Marcela Huertas, Accesorios MaHu
The system is excellent, I haven't seen anything like it before. Very easy and practical. Quick and efficient. The best you can get on the e-commerce market. Congratulations for your product. I will promote it here in Argentina since it is a system one can't find very easily and in FREE format!
Diego Casale, diecasale(a)
Good afternoon, it is has been a big pleasure being Red Tienda beginner users. We have created our store Merca en Línea, we liked it, a lot, easy to manage, upload products.
Celmira Medina, MERCA EN LINEA
Dear Mr. Olsson: I am very thankful with your company for the grateful experience that I have gotten with the usage of the free Store, so I can visualize my need of use the GOLD, since the positioning is growing little by little. It is hard to specify the benefits I have gotten, but I will try to do it in this way: 1. I have managed to understand, due to the easiness of the store manager, how it works in the Store and mentally change the challenges of the Internet; in other's possible, I can diversify my business through the Internet. 2. I have managed to position my publications, my seminars and even my country, since I have invited people to get to know it. 3. Little by little I see the visits have increased, thanks to the suggestion tools of promotion and the usage of have been very useful. 4. See the store working, the increase of visits, and your personal assistance, has motivated me to continue and see that I have a world of options to grow by businesses.
William A. Chinchilla Sánchez, williamch(a)
Talking about music today is talking Internet, AutoEditados Distro was born with the objective to harness the distribution of music on the Net, as well the physical format (traditional CD-DVD) as well as streaming. We have chosen the system Red Tienda Gold as the best platform for our Artists' works of Os-Comerce for many motives, the system's reliability, the guarantee and the security Red tienda has given to us the best option to bring on our project, which has been noticed recently by the Universidad Abierta de Barcelona and the IN3 Internet Indisciplinari Institute. From here we would like to share this recognition with the entire Red Tienda team, without you it wouldn't have been possible.
Javier Navarro, autoeditados(a)
I had a long time wanting to have a web where I could sell my products. All the offers I had where really high, since the page should cover various aspects. With RED TIENDA GOLD I got all need and for an insignificant cost. It turned out to be very easy to create my online store, following the indicated steps. I constantly make modifications and it grows day by day. I am truly thankful for the help that I get.
Estela Guerisoli, E. G. Fashion
The modules are very easy to set up (please note I have no knowledge about design), and with a little bit of patience, the panorama is totally clear. It is truly 100X100!
Umberto Jorge Iznardo, umberto_iznardo(a)
Hello, REDTIENDA administrator. Redtienda is superb! I have learned a lot. Its brilliant! I would like to thank you for your generosity and the desire to help everybody who receives redtienda. I always find orientation, guiding and appropriate answers and with a marvelous affection, which inspires me and helps me continue forward; to reach my goals. Thousand and thousand thanks! I will be able to help anybody who visits my page to leave economic stagnation; because I have all the alternatives for them. They are always here. They have the theory, but the practical is different and there is where I enter to give them a hand from a friend. CONGRATULATIONS REDTIENDA! LIBROSEVI.
I think your system is fantastic. I congratulate you !!
Patricio Jervis R., jerviventas(a)
Excellent Tool for electronic commerce projects.
Carlos Alberto Londoño Arias, Londonred Limitada
I am very happy with the service I thank you because the steps to establish my online store are very easy I thank you for your help.
Victor Javier Lopez Gomez, admin(a)
Red Tienda is the most Original and Attractive form of Selling on the Internet, because it permits you to convert to a professional company from the very start.
Gino Dante Giurfa Seijas, E-mype
Cortinas Vision, we are very thankful with We could never imagine that we would have an online store one day as we now have. Thank you for this medium that you give us so we can offer our products, because it is not a dream rather reality, as it works well the service is excellent, it's easy to use it has many benefits that others don't have, the greatest benefit to open a store is that one do not need experience. So congratulations and please continue with this great project, we know that you are number one on the global level. A sincere greeting form Guatemala, Central America.
Hermelindo Ichich, Cortinas Vision
Recently I started using the Virtual store and I can not believe how excellent it is. Always dreamed of something like this. I congratulate you
Gustavo Oreja, JMG Servicios
I am so glad that I found your site, its free, easy to understand, quick, and no ads, thank you very much.
Dennis J. Holmes, MODEL SHIP STORE
Sonia Cortez, eventosinfantiles_mundomagico(a)
Redtienda is one of the best tools the one can find on the Internet today. As a Internet professional I advice clearly its potential as a income generator for the online merchant as well as the web designer. I congratulate Mr. Erik Olsson for his initiative, I have opened my redtienda online and I offer my services to everybody who wants a redtienda in a normal manner, still with the Light version. Greetings and God bless you.
José Barea, Ríos Net
I am enormously thankful for this outstanding service that you offer to all of us who want to have our own business and be entrepreneurs. I was looking for a long time for a solution to have a store on the internet and I did not find anything that's so outstanding as redtienda. It is helping me a lot. I hope you will continue for a long time with this marvelous project.
Blanca Arija Berrio, PERFUMES DE LUJO
As an adviser to Hispanic entrepreneurs I have always complained by the lack of services in Spanish for this growing market. Without knowing it, Redtienda came out upfront offering an easy to use, high-demand service, and in Spanish! Look at the steps. Seconds to register for free, few hours to create it; and an entire lifetime to make money in a professional manner. Customers will think you paid thousands of dollars even though it's 100% free. You got the products... what are you waiting for? Open your store today. The competition is doing it. Redtienda is quick! Click... and sell!
Diana Fontanez, dianafontanez(a)
I started with Redtienda some months ago, but I always had it on my mind, because I knew that some day I would use your system... so that day came and I got Redtienda Gold without hesitating and the first day the site was ready I got my first order .. Fantastic! and the best of all Easy and Fast.
Antonio Vaquerano, consulta(a)
Redtienda is a spectacular software. Ready to use, does all the work. A software out of the ordinary.
Julio Buch S.,
I would like to thank Erik Olsson for make redtienda available to us. A powerful and versatile Software that meets all the functions that one can ask for a tool for electronic commerce. Redtienda is so easy to configure and adapt to your own design, that you won't be able to think that you have made it yourself. It has the infinity of help menus IN SPANISH that will guide you step by step so that you obtain the result you wished for with little effort and minimum knowledge, which takes the most important consequence of saving of time and money. Since I started to use it, it has simplified all the tasks that my business requires. With a couple of mouse-clicks I have at my disposal all the information that I need to be in total control on my online store. Briefly... Redtienda is economic, easy and intuitive to configure, powerful, robust, solid, quick, and mainly, effective 100%. By all this and much more... A million thanks, Erik.
Luis Fernández Villa, nano(a)
Dear Erik, your software RedTienda is the indispensable tool for any person, or company, who wants to open an online store.
Oswaldo Ancona, oancona(a)
I was reviewing your features and they could not be better. It is really a complete package and a total solution for all eCommerce needs that one can have.
If I was to sell tangible products on the Internet I wouldn't think twice, I would use RedTienda!
The customization and flexibility play an important role when it is time to sell on the Internet. With your software one has these two and much more. It's a guarantee of success.
Regards from Mexico.
The Red Tienda Shopping Cart Software is one of the easiest to use, most inexpensive, and intuitive shopping cart applications available on the market today. Additionally, Erik Olsson's advice is absolutely priceless!! We highly recommend Red Tienda for anyone looking to get serious about doing business online
Anthony Kavas, president(a)
Well, we have been using Redtienda for almost 2 years now. Our first order arrived during our first weeks online and now we get orders from all around the world. We have seen a 428% increase of our monthly sales during the last 6 months and it just grows and grows. I must say we are VERY happy with Redtienda! Thanks Erik for everything.
Björn Almén, Lindhouse International Ltd.
Since I started to use the software Redtienda, everything has been easier for my Company. Thanks to Redtienda, I can organize the different Areas of my Multistore in the most easy way, inserting products in every department, with just one click, that easy. For my part I did not know what HTML was, now I just say THANKS to Erik for finally having my site ready to start exportation and Big Business. To the next Redtienda entrepreneur I say that they just will notice the incredible power of the Redtienda software when they are using it. It's true Redtienda is the most simple and powerful way to open an online store.
Luis Pacheco Quiroga, info(a)
I consider Redtienda the best alternative to create a totally professional virtual store, due to its versatility, usage of latest technology, easiness to use and immediate support. The best is that the software is totally in Spanish.
Beatriz Garces M., Publicidad-Internet
Since a long time back I have wanted a store to sell our electronic products online, but nothing met my expectations until I found Redtienda which gave me a fast and effective attention. It seemed a little bit expensive first, but the quality of the service justified the price a thousand times, it was really economic. I am convinced that it will go very well for me just as the others who use redtienda.
Francisco Franco, f_franco(a)
As an online business consultant, I chose to recommend Redtienda to be the best integrated solution for stores that one can find on the Internet.
Iñaki Setien,
Any entrepreneur should optimize his time and investments, and here is where Redtienda is the winner: Cart, hosting, domain, confiable technology, system for charging cards, promotion, quality assistance... everything included! And in Spanish.
Your store functioning directly, and a the only tool you need is ...your browser and a connection to the Internet.
My name is Francisco M. Portilla, I live in Spain, I am a technician and I work with selling computer related products (Hardware/Software). I was looking for a way to sell certain computer products on the Internet, always looking for a way to not make a large economic investment, and of course, someone who could host my Web, and getting need assistance and help, that could happen any moment, a definite "GOOD, NICE and CHEAP". After searching and looking on several store software I decided to go with REDTIENDA. Why? Redtienda has the G/N/C. I suggest you to try it, with a minimized investment you could get maximized returns... YOU WILL SEE THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!
Francisco M. Portilla, majim(a)
The largest value that the Internet has to offer is the multiplication of opportunities, if you know how to take advantage of them. Trust in Erik and his magnificent team of friends. I have done it and it has been the best that has happened to me in this life. Yes, I am an 61 years old entrepreneur and many things have happened to me.
Luis Serviá,
I saw your demo and it seemed very interesting. In first place I would say that, of all the virtual stores in Spanish that I have investigated, yours has seemed to be the easiest to understand. It's dynamic and direct, which is necessary for anybody who want to install a store for the first time.
Miguel Angel Ruiz Orbegoso, Oratorianet
Erick, gives you THOUSANDS OF THANKS and there are really no words to describe your product and suggestions that thanks to these we've grown significantly and now we've become providers of useful tips in the e-commerce field and also distributing software for Engineering, Construction and Design with success.
Luis Cruz, lcruz(a)
I chose Redtienda as I had no experience in web designing and I felt this would be the company that would be able to trust and keep in safe hands, as they were doing the web designing and we where working together to come up with the perfect webstore. The price of the webstore was the best I could find for the amount of work involved in the designing process. I would recommend Redtienda to other clients as they were the fastest in web designing and they were also keeping me informed and up to date with my webstore.
Vishal Magon, vishalmagon(a)
As the general manager for FanAm, Inc. I must say that Redtienda has opened many new doors for us as a company. We have just launched our new website featuring online ordering of our ventilation products and we have seen an explosion in sales only after one month of operation. We have increased our sales by more than 300% and we are continuing to get new customers every day.
Daniel Selberg, FanAm, Inc.
With redtienda I can add thousands of products and if I want it comes in my own language. Besides its great price, everything is clear. Setting up my online store with redtienda is the best choice I could ever have done.
Carlos Guevara, guecar2002(a)
Dear friend Erik: I am so grateful for your email: one of your most pleasant and motivating communications. You are quite unique and your great devotion is very much appreciated as you do a lot more --for your clients-- of what nowadays one can find in the business world.
Salvador Preckler Arias, scdetfe(a)
Well, for now I have started to try the work in the store editor, it's really easy and overall friendly, I like its functionality, I can see that we are associated with creative Persons.
Humberto Alexis Quiroz Vasquez, hquiroz(a)
For three years we've been looking for a responsible, honest and professional company, finally we found it. Redtienda is the most economic and easy way to avoid headaches before, during and after the process of making a web page. We are very satisfied with the practicality of using redtienda, today a simple solution with cutting edge technology.
Jorge Salame Viteri, Vipe Vac
I am discovering that redtienda can result in helping to unite the family more, God's wish.
Horacio Enzo Lartigau, Arme Su Negocio
The gratitude should go to don Erik Olsson, a friend of ours, who has brought Latin America this brilliant, prompt and economic electronic commerce solution - Redtienda. Our application analysts tested the software and platform and concluded it works to perfection. Something worth mentioning: We have seen don Erik reduce a maximum percentage of his earnings to be able to offer a product of the first class as this to the reach of Latin entrepreneurs.
Héctor Pizarro,
We have created web sites for several customers using diverse programs; Only redtienda gave us the flexibility we were looking for and the easiness for our customers to be able to update their stores by themselves. The help from redtienda is priceless at the moment to answer our inquiries.
Jaime Gabay, jimeu's Ideas Ltda.
We found out about redtienda and I do not think we could have achieved what we did without it. Using redtienda truly permits us to enforce e-commerce to the fullest!
Miriam Reyes, miriam(a)
Your system redtienda is fantastic, nice, and offers many opportunities. And also, it used to be really inexpensive and now it is even more cheaper.
Santiago Mencías V., Web Systems
You have a site with the best prices on the market.......I am telling you this since I visited almost all of your rivals. IT'S MY WISH THAT YOU'LL SELL A LOT OF RED TIENDAS......your service is great!
Oscar Roberto Gomez, org(a)
I congratulate you in advance for redtienda, I have read deeply some of your newsletter articles and several explanations that you provide for getting your eCommerce system. I also tried the redtienda demo, it's excellent.
Rigo Sandoval Uribe, La Revista Una Fuente
Erik, I just wanted to thank you for all the insight you've given me over the years. The tools and resources you've opened us up to have made our business soar. Redtienda may be the only site of it's kind that's both helpful AND user-friendly. Your articles / newsletters are excellent (I've been getting the Spanish version) and everything is visually appealing and easy to navigate - there's no searching for mystery information as with most other sites. You've helped us turn an idea into a reality and consequently a very profitable business venture. We're forever indebted to you!
Ivan J. Jimenez,
Redtienda turned out to be the most efficient tool for us to handle commerce online.
Frank Johnson, Pinturas Condor
In the globalized world we are currently living it's vital that the companies which want to survive, and still more in undeveloped countries, and even for the smallest companies, that they start thinking about entering into the world of ecommerce and electronic commerce. One of the most serious problems that small- and medium-sized businesses face is actually the high costs they have to incur to launch a site with commercial activities. But this was before redtienda appeared. Compymec, as a software solutions provider company can talk about this out of experience. We've seen with redtienda how the costs for developing an ecommerce site are decreased drastically, and this gives us a big competitive advantage compared to other companies specialized on web site design. The site developed with Redtienda is not an expense, it is an investment, since the site will be managed in the right way meaning income for the owner, Redtienda is very flexible as it allows to have as many informative pages as it requires. How much training does a person need to be able to use redtienda? Very little, it takes a a couple of hours to train someone with some basic computer knowledge to add products and categories, the basics of Redtienda. Obviously the more attractive you want the site to be, the better one uses the options of Redtienda.
Xavier Aguirre, compymec(a)
But the most important feature of them all, and the one which really makes me to recommend this product, is the continuos support you receive from Redtienda via email. This, may seem less important, but believe me, on the long run this is what makes the difference between a product and all the rest. Haven't it ever happened to you that when you need to ask something to the manufacturer about some product, for example software, the guy is so busy that you possibly may get an answer in two weeks or more, and sometimes all you get is an email with a FAQ URL or simply no answer at all? In the case of Redtienda, it never happens this way. I can confirm that I have always received an answer in no more than 24 hours, sometimes even immediately. This saves a lot of time and allows you to advance faster. It takes longer to receive the information from the client, than to include it.
For all the above mentioned advantages, I have to say THANK YOU ERIK FOR YOUR IDEA, and for sharing it with the computer world. Honestly a product at a lower price will be impossible to find for a long time, and when it happens, I'm sure Redtienda will surprise us again taking the lead, due to costs or new options. There is a lot to do on the ecommerce area in our undeveloped countries and we'll count on your help, Erik.
As a developer of the disappeared company Soltecavan and president of Orbital Web Design I have had some experience handling eCommerce systems offline and online via the browser, and I definitively believe that the best product I have seen is yours.
Danny Ayala Hinojosa, info(a)
It's really impressive what you have done, my most sincere congratulations, this gives me much confidence and security that our relation will continue for a long time.
Carlos Ibáñez Brambila, COMPUCAJA, SA CV
I really haven't had the chance to see the Demo yet, but it isn't necessary to understand that it is the best opportunity to do business online. It's enough to know that it is based on your knowledge about the market, to make me understand that I what I have in my hands not only is a great opportunity to do business and make money, but also the security that REDTIENDA is the best software for online stores that one can find, so be sure that I absolutely love your product, and I'm truly excited as well.
Guillermo Robalino Egüez, grobalinoeguez(a)
RedTienda is one of the most advanced Online Store proposals in the Spanish language and the one that we recommend to you.