How To Manage An Online Store
Once your store is created, it's time to manage it in order to get visitors, sell more products, and grow your business. Here is a preview, to let your imagination and creativity flow, then take action. Test and see what works best for your business.

Manage Your Business Daily
When your online store is open, you continue to use redtienda to update and manage your store. While most areas are used to update your content, the "Manage" area is used to view and handle orders, sales reports, manage customers, send out promotions, and much more. Make a habbit of using it daily.
Promote A LOT!
Start promoting your store right away! You need to get visitors before you can sell. The right type visitors... quality is more important than quantity. Marketing is done outside of redtienda but you can find some great tips inside and in our blog. Use Google to get traffic, as well as social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Also list your products in product search engines such as, Buscapé, and Shopall. That is one great way to get visitors to your store and sell more. There is no limit. Find out where your potential customers are and be there!

Update Always
Always update and improve your online store. It's living organ. Be active. Make it better. Test new things and see what works and not. When you have traffic to your store you will see results faster. Some of the things you can do is to rewrite your current texts, add customer testimonials, insert videos of your products and business, improve the navigation structure (menu), update your catalog with new products, remodel your Home page, and other improvements of your offer to your customers.

Conduct Special Sales
There are many ways you can make special offers and promotions in your store. The most simple one is to use the current pricing of a Product to show how much a customer saves by buying it from you. Show all your special offers (Products) in a Category called "Special Offers".

Have a Club VIP
Upgrade your important customers to special customers. Then offer special prices on special products, so that your special customers get treated well and can buy from you even more! The special prices are shown to them when they log in to "My Account".

Give Away Bonuses
You can also give free bonuses in form of a complementing product or service, that even doesn't have to cost you anything extra, but makes the sale easier. Be creative here! You can also charge for add-ons that are on the very same Product page using the Options function.

Bundle Products Together
One of the smartest ways of selling is to bundle various products into one package (a new Product) so that your customers feel they save money and get more value. At the same time you will sell more products at once and increase the number of sales. It benefits everybody.

Recommend Alternatives
Another good thing to do is to cross-sell and up-sell, simply by recommending other Products that are similar or better than the one they are currently looking at. Think of your customers interests, so it becomes natural to make choices and there is something for everyone.

Gift Certificates
A gift certificate (a new Product) is basically a card with a specific amount that one can buy and give to a friend, that later will use it in your store. It's the perfect gift, plus excellent for you since there is no cost to create and you get paid upfront. You can offer several cards, each with a different amount.

Joint Ventures 1+1=3
Join forces with other businesses to offer something together, or simply promote each other's business in own channels. It has to be a win/win, for both of you + all the clients. Everybody should gain. For example; offer the other business' products to your customers, and split the profits. Or vice versa.
The Power of Newsletters
Use the Newsletter function in redtienda to build stronger relations with your customers and subscribers. Offer them valuable content that helps them, and/or the best and exclusive product offers and promotions. Use it with care and balance – not too much, not too little. It is free and it can be a very powerful tool to build your business on repeating sales for years.

Ideas & Inspiration
We hope that one of your biggest sources of inspiration can be El blog de redtienda, that is constantly being updated with helpful and useful content for the success and growth of your store and business. Study others. Read and learn everything you can. Test and watch results.

Be active, be creative, be smart – and you will sell!
Now learn how your online store works and then how to create it.
Related videos, in Spanish
- Cómo Promocionar Tu Tienda Online
- PYMEs: Incrementa las Ventas con Promociones y Alianzas
- Actualiza Tu Tienda y Mantén Tu Negocio Vivo
Related articles, in Spanish (Blog)