Integrated Services to Increase Your Sales
The following services are provided by other companies but have been integrated with redtienda in order for you to use to increase your sales and business.
All of them are available in both REDTIENDA LIGHT and REDTIENDA GOLD. However, some services are available only in some countries. See which one you can use, then open an account with them, and active it in the redtienda store manager.
If you want to learn how to accept credit cards and online payments, click here.
Shopping Portals & Product Search Engines is available in all countries, visit the portal.
Register in the redtienda store manager.
Include the products of your store in – our own Hispanic shopping portal and product search engine. It is free and very easy. Apply from the store manager and the rest is automatic.

Buscapé is available in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.
Information how to register is in the store manager.
Now you can increase your business and profits, publishing your products quickly and easily in Buscapé – the leading eCommerce platform in Latin America for searching products and price comparison. Get leads for potential clients to your online store, generating a direct sales channel. Brand exposure and dissemination. The site visitors have the opportunity to Compare, Review, and Buy in a smart way your products. This service is available for all redtienda stores in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. This service is only available in Spanish.
Sales Tools for Your Store

Hotjar is available in all countries, visit the site.
Register at their site and insert their code in Store Model (GOLD).
Hotjar is an amazing tool to see how your visitors are using your online store by heatmaps, visitor recordings, funnels and form analysis, polls, and surveys.

e-bit is available in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico.
To register, click on: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, or Mexico.
We invite you to be part of the e-bit program bitConsumidor.
e-bit is a unique and free service that allows stores to know the views of their customers after a purchase on the web, the buyers are asked to rate the quality of services provided by the store where you made their purchases. The store will know the satisfaction level of the virtual customer, receiving monthly information about their performance, to make better strategic decisions and improve sales. This service is only available in Spanish.
Forming part of the program bitConsumidor offered by the integration of redtienda and e-bit, you will get the following free benefits:
- You will have an automatic evalutation of the service of your store when selling products through our incentive program.
- Your store will be awarded medals depending on the service provided.
- You'll have valuable information about the views and perceptions of your customers through an independent survey.
- You will give a qualitative and quantitative quality of your online business.
- You can use our quality seal on your site.
- Your store will be visible on the e-bit site and partners such as Buscapé.

Lomadee is available in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico.
Register in the redtienda store manager.
Create an Affiliate program with just a few clicks.
How about disclosing your products to on millions of sites? You can use Lomadee for this!
- Simple and uncomplicated integration
- You define the percentage of commission
It is simple and fast, you define the percentage of commission you want to pay your affiliates. Lomadee is the affiliates platform of Buscapé Company, that spreads advertisers' information with technology and intelligent tools. It brings together publishers and advertisers for mutual benefit, generating income through online advertising and maximize revenue from affiliates and advertisers involved. It is used by more than 40 thousand sites that form of remuneration. This service is only available in Spanish.
Marketing Services & Social Media

Facebook is available in all countries, visit the site.
Register at their site and then configure the store manager.
Create a Fan Page on Facebook where you can interact with clients, post promotions, answer questions, and in many ways grow your business. Then configure the store manager so your page is linked from the menu.

Twitter is available in all countries, visit the site.
Register at their site and then configure the store manager.
Open a Twitter account where you can follow others and interact and send updates to your followers (promotions, news, etc). Then configure the store manager so your account is linked from the menu.

AdLemons is available in all countries, visit the site.
Register at their site.
Blogs are the fundamental cornerstone for any marketing strategy in social media. Now with AdLemons and in 3 simple steps you can take advantage of blogs to advertise your products, gaining visibility in the most influential blogs, right where new trends generate qualified traffic that is getting interested in buying your products through display (banners, videos or widgets) or mentions in blogs.
If you are a redtienda user – click here to login to the store manager right now.
If you are not a redtienda user yet – click here to get started immediately.