MLM and redtienda
Why multi-level products/businesses MLM are not suitable for redtienda.
We do NOT recommend using redtienda for multi-level products/businesses MLM (such as 4Life Research, AmWay, Coastal Vacations, Forever Living, Gano Excel, Herbalife, Omnilife, Oriflame, Tahitian Noni).
If you are part of a MLM, you need to ask the company you work for if they permit you to sell their products on the Internet. Many of them do not allow that.
And if they permit that, you might want to consider if the Internet is a good sales channel for you. There are probably thousands of others selling exactly the same products as you are online.
If the above is okay with you and the company you work for, you are most welcome to open an online store with redtienda. It might not be ideal for your type of business, but it might be an extra help or service to your customers.